Mid Canterbury Hockey Health & Safety
Mid Canterbury Hockey are committed to providing a safe & healthy environment for its staff & members. This committment extends to ensuring that Mid Canterbury Hockey's operations do not place members of the public at risk of injury, illness or property damage.
We have one turf located in the Ashburton Domain & office in the Sports Hub at EA Networks Centre, River Terrace, Ashburton.
Can we ask all parents/caregivers to ensure their children are supervised by an adult at all times while at the hockey turf. If you see a child unsupervised in an area they should not be please advise the Mid Canterbury Hockey staff/volunteers on site.
Please click on either link below to notify a Hazard/Risk or notify an Incident;
Notify Hazard/Risk
Mid Canterbury Hockey insists that a player that has received a head injury with suspected concussion, irrespective of whether the injury occured while playing hockey, may only commence playing again when a medical certificte clearing the player has been supplied to the Mid Canterbury Hockey office.
Please click the link above for Head Injury or Concussion information/check list.
Mid Canterbury Hockey
is located in the Ashburton Domain,
entrance corner Elizabeth & Grigg Streets, Ashburton
EA Networks Centre, 20 River Terrace, Ashburton 7700
Hours - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am - 2:30pm
E: admin@mchockey.co.nz